Chapters 5, 6, 10, 13-17 & Notes
Test is Thursday, Dec. 7 - 12:00 Noon

Keep in mind that this guide provides for the student a listing of those subjects most likely to be covered on the test, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. The final exam will include questions about the textbook & lecture notes.  Make sure to look over your notes from class as these were highlights from chapters and also had material not in the book.  Most items on the test are from class lessons.  Study your notes.

1.  Study all Key Terms in each chapter.

2.  Study all summaries from each chapter.

3.  Study the Main Points sections of each chapter.

4. Go over notes on TV graphics - guidelines for creating graphics for television.

5. What are the legal terms and principles most used in video?  (check your notes and the handout from class)

6. What is in a video leader and what info do you find on a slate?

7. What is bracketing and how is it used by a director?

8. What should TV talent do when on camera?  Where should they look?  How should they handle microphones?

9. Who should use makeup on TV and how should it be applied?

10. How should talent see or receive their cues? Where should they look?

11. What are the legal ramifications of using copyrighted material?

12. What is intrusion on seclusion? How can we avoid violated people's privacy?

13. How are the phases of production different from one another? Does this affect the budget in any way?

14. What is the 180 or axis line? How does it affect camera placement?  How do directors avoid crossing the line?

15. What are the different types of vectors found on screen?  For example, graphic, index, moving, continuing, converging, and diverging

16. What are the four types/categories of transitions found on a video switcher or in editing?

17. How are sets and backgrounds put together - what are they called?

18. What are safe title areas in graphics?

19. Who is the person we know will help us at each location we shoot? They usually work there - own the property, etc.

20. What are the elements of mise' en scene?

21. What are the hand cues given by the floor director?

22. What are the ways live video can be sent back to a station or distributor?

23. What are the terms directors use with camera people? What is proper?

24. What is the safe title area?  What guidelines are there concerning fonts?

25. What are the main functions/purposes of editing?

26. Where does the axis/180/vector line fall? How do you know where it is?

27. What are some of the legal terms video producers need to know about? What do they mean?

28. What are the two main categories or types of TV talent?

29. Be familiar with the best ways to handle mics as a talent.

30. What is a location survey?  What information do you find on one?

31. Theoretical switcher exercise - can you switch in your head? Go to this link to practice.